Saturday, August 20, 2011

On Contraception...

I have not had the energy needed to write about all the things on my heart recently.

They are my heavy and deep thoughts that people who want to avoid controversy and pain don't want to read.

My blog started as a way to share with and educate people on being open to children in their marriage, hence the name, "Leslie on Life."

I truly believe contracepting in our marriages has a most damaging effect. I believe the lie of contraception is the root of the abortion industry as well.

Contraception contradicts what our marriages are supposed to be...a total giving of oneself in love to our spouse...

And Lord knows we need all the help we can get with being more loving to our spouses and shifting the focus off of ourselves and on to others...

Living a life without contraception in marriage is the definition of freedom to me. I desire for others to know of this freedom as well...

We know the roots of all our faiths are open to life. We know it was the invention of birth control that started to change our morals regarding life in the early 1900's.

Today 96% of American Catholics contracept in their marriages.

American Catholics are not receiving the truth or are simply rejecting it. And we know it has to do with both. Regardless of why there is an enormous problem in the Catholic Church regarding this life giving aspect of church teaching.

In our Protestant churches, people do a great job of abstaining from sex before marriage but many do not see a problem with contraception once they are married. What do Protestant preachers believe and teach on contraception? Are Protestant preachers practicing contraception in their own marriages? If so, how do they counsel their church members on family life within marriage?

What about our brothers and sisters outside of Christianity? What do their religious leaders teach regarding contraception?

And what do we do if we have a medical condition that endangers mamas from having more children? Are our husbands automatically sterilized or do we learn how to chart our fertility to postpone babies and trust that the Lord will take care of us and our families?

I constantly meet people who say to me, "I would love another child but my spouse is not open to another child." This would break my heart the day I would hear my husband say, "I'm sorry you desire another child but I'm not going to give you one."

So many thoughts to think of and to address...

So I will continue to work on the original intent of my blog...

Leslie on Life...


Pie Mama’s said...

A topic so close to my heart. We contracepted the first few years of our marriage and I can tell you it made an incredible difference when we stopped and became totally open to life. I was a convert and my RCIA program was led by a former nun; we didn't get into much theology or church teaching. That said, though, we were adults and we had a responsibility to learn about our faith. When we finally did that, we realized the beauty and wisdom of the church's teaching. It's a great example of God being able to bring good out of every situation. Although He would have wanted us living in the truth from the beginning of our marriage, He is still able to make use of us as witnesses to the change that occurred in our marriage. We have three children and want more, but if we are not blessed with more, I know we are abundantly blessed--much more than we deserve--after contracepting in the beginning.

Leslie said...

Terri, we are all blessed abundantly much more than we deserve regardless of if we practiced contraception in the beginning of our marriages or not!

So much goodness comes from being a witness and sharing our struggles with others so thank you for this...

I have heard many people say once they stopped using contraception they received unbelievable graces in their marriages as you mentioned.

Also, people who are sterilized and past the age of having children can go to confession and be absolved and free of this sin as well.

RCIA should be one of the first places where people hear of God's plan for our marriage!

We are working on bringing NFP classes to our parish where they should have been all along.